More know-how!

Raising awareness, providing food for thought, stimulating discussions – information gets innovation going!

In the context of events, it gives me pleasure to pass on my know-how as a keynote speaker or as an expert in panel discussions. When it comes to designing creative event formats and moderating expert discussions, I have many years of experience to offer.

Our current topics:

  • Energy communities – the energy revolution of the regions
  • New business models for the Energy Transition
  • Digitalization and transformation in the energy sector

Selected references:

Mission Innovation Austria Week 2019

Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Stegersbach and Oberwart, May 2019)

  • Program design
  • Moderation
  • Contribution by experts

Smart Solar Power in Europe 

Workshop: Solar power for a competitive European industry, multifunctional buildings and infrastructures, and smart energy systems (Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Munich, May 2019)

  • Workshop moderation in cooperation with ERA Net-Smart Energy Systems and Solar ERA Net

Consultants Competence Cercle

on the topic "Out of the rat race – from the service to the business model" (Economic Chamber of Lower Austria, Mödling, March 2019)

  • Moderation of the expert discussion

Smart Service Innovation Day

(Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Vienna, May 2018)

  • Program design
  • Holding of the Co-Creation Workshop as part of Smart Energy Systems Week in Vienna

IEA PVPS Workshop on PV Business Models

(International Energy Agency, Munich, June 2018)

  • Specialist presentation: PV and Innovation in Large Energy Companies

Workshop: New added value through digital waste management

(Green Tech Cluster Styria, Leoben, June 2018)

  • Keynote: Exploiting the opportunities of digitalization with new business models

Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe Innovation Forum

(IKB, Innsbruck, October 2017)

  • Keynote: Pioneers of the Energy Transition and how they exploit the opportunities of digitalization

Contact us

Are you planning an event and looking for exciting topics and formats? Are you looking for an inspiring speaker or a professional moderator? Feel free to contact me for a non-binding preliminary consultation.


1200px Energie Steiermark Logo
Kelag Logo
Kärnten Netz Logo
Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe Logo
Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe Logo
MEO Logo
our power logo
solid solarinstallation + design Logo
ertex Logo
Rehau Logo
Rehau Logo
Österreichs Energie
Rehau Logo
TU Wien
FH Technikum Wien Logo
Technikum Academy Logo
Universität für Angewandte Kunst Logo
SDG Innovation Lab
Klima und Energiefonds Logo
Wirtschaftskammer NÖ Logo
Energie- und Umweltagentur NÖ Logo
Eco Plus Niederösterreich Logo
Eco Plus Niederösterreich Logo
Mission Innovation
Amt der OÖ Landesregierung

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