We open up perspectives

avantsmart brings your business idea
on the next level -

for climate action and a sustainable


New technologies, digital services and innovative business models make it possible: everyone can become a shaper of the Energy Transition (Energiewende). Sustainable management and innovation with impact - these are the features of successful businesses!

We show our clients the opportunities in transformation processes and we create new business models in collaboration with them. We thus establish a competitive edge through innovation and accelerate the successful market introduction of new technologies.

With our industry know-how and our methodological skills, we counsel businesses wishing to seize this opportunity now and we share our Austrian and international network with them.

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1200px Energie Steiermark Logo
Kelag Logo
Kärnten Netz Logo
Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe Logo
Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe Logo
MEO Logo
our power logo
solid solarinstallation + design Logo
ertex Logo
Rehau Logo
Rehau Logo
Österreichs Energie
Rehau Logo
TU Wien
FH Technikum Wien Logo
Technikum Academy Logo
Universität für Angewandte Kunst Logo
SDG Innovation Lab
Klima und Energiefonds Logo
Wirtschaftskammer NÖ Logo
Energie- und Umweltagentur NÖ Logo
Eco Plus Niederösterreich Logo
Eco Plus Niederösterreich Logo
Mission Innovation
Amt der OÖ Landesregierung

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